Dining on the Deck – Historically Amazing
Every now and then something historic happens in Ashland. Once a star from Portlandia had breakfast at the Breadboard. Another time Johnny Depp had 5 Irish coffees in the now defunct Dragon Fly. Then, of course, there was the time that Reese Witherspoon had a turkey burger on the deck of the Breadboard and they basically made a huge Hollywood blockbuster based on her experience. So, I felt like this little town had seen more excitement than could ever be expected. Well, little did I know how wrong I was. You see, last week, I was eating a turkey burger on the deck at the Breadboard, enjoying the view, thinking about Reese and wondering if she ever thought about me – but then she’s never met me or heard of me and I think she’s actually kind of short and sort of angry – but I digress – anyway, I looked over about two tables away and basking in the sun and chowing down on a mammoth killer chicken sandwich with avocado and bacon and jalapeños and pepper jack cheese on a freshly baked French roll was none other than – well – I don’t know who it was actually, but with the sun on her face and the view of Grizzly Peak displayed in the background and the obvious tastiness of the sandwich, I knew this was an important moment. I knew it couldn’t be Oprah because she looked entirely different than her. She was more like a Charlize Theron or almost like an Audrey Hepburn type but more with a Woody Allen kind of vibe. I don’t know, it’s hard to explain. Then I realized nothing was really making any sense. I was in a food euphoria and I was enjoying my burger so much and she was enjoying her sandwich so much and the ambiance was so amazing that I knew this was a famous moment for Ashland. A moment of unparalleled bliss. I knew this experience needed to be documented and cherished for the good of all those in Ashlandia. And then, out of nowhere I heard a soft, sweet voice…”Sir, sir…excuse me – sir – would you like more iced tea?” I sheepishly asked, “Is it freshly brewed – I mean, it’s delicious – it must be.” “Well, of course,” she replied. And I had more tea. And I thought – and I’m still thinking…