Confessions Archives | The Breadboard
A 2020 Breadboard haiku: Thirty-seven years. Changes Changes, Love the crew. Many thirty more
Well, a new year has arrived. We are safely past 1914, 1929, 1984 and Y2K. Now, as we start a new decade, of course, I thought the most important thing anyone could do is be the first customer of the year at the Breadboard. This place has been around since 1983 so it is entering its 37th year. I […]
Impishly delicious Pumpkin Pancakes are back!
He was ruggedly handsome with an impish grin and was considering kayaking from Port Orford to Maui. At least, that’s how the woman at the table next to me was describing him. She said she’d asked if she could follow him on Instagram but he said he only believed in land-lines and still had a […]
Slinky Trivia and Frothy Cappuccinos – Another perfect morning on the deck…
I was at the Breadboard the other day, relishing the final days of a basically smokeless summer. Because my Veggie Benedict with creamy hollandaise was so tasty and the setting was so pleasant and my old dog was sitting there so contentedly, I was launched into a creative reverie that would probably amaze German Gestalt […]
Timeless Wisdom: Breakfast (at the Breadboard)… the most important meal of the day!
There’s a popular expression in Botswana that seems like universal wisdom. Monks in caves repeat the same idea over and over. Most popular books of “wisdom” drone on about it and self-actualized parents in Ashland pretty much hammer it into their children. I guess it’s kind of like a mantra or a timeless principle, a […]
Pavlovian Breathless Anticipation
“Call me Ahmed.” That’s what the young man said when he joined his family on the deck at the Breadboard after 6 months of torturous awesome food abstinence while he was away in Eugene. He was like a conscriptee returning from the Russian front. 6 months of no country gravy, no Breadboard omelets, no Breadboard […]
Congrats Grads! Always remember: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!
Graduation time again and the conversations at the Breadboard can start to get kind of weird. A gaggle of recent grizz grads were sitting on the deck the other morning and it started to turn into a kind of mad hatter tea party moment as the conversations left the parents behind and the recent milestone achievers […]
Breaking News: The deck is open – and so are the secrets of the Mueller report…
The Breadboard was all abuzz today – not so much because of the yummy food and the fact that the deck is open and the crew treats you like family and the fresh roasted award-winning Goodbean better not bitter coffee is just right – yes, those are always buzzable aspects of the Breadboard experience – […]
Eggs Benedict with classic Hollandaise made from scratch all day, every day… weird? Nope, just wonderful.
Usually, the Breadboard opens their deck on May 1st but this year, they opened it on April 1st because if the gas stops working in Ashland at least people can sit outside and drink coffee and eat salads and sandwiches and maybe they will fire up the BBQ because the weather is getting weirder and […]
Irish Heart
A great man once said that if the plaza was the heart of Ashland then Lithia Park was its soul and, for me, a perfect day was in the making because I’d had Almond Crusted Nutella Stuffed French Toast in the morning at the Breadboard and their specials change almost daily and this one was […]
No phone, No biscuits and gravy, No way!
Apparently, there is a new bohemian inspired mom uniform emerging in New York involving number 6 clogs and a thick colorful detachable handbag strap. Its a shift from the Amazon parka and sneakers and two steps past the yoga pants and Uggs get-up and while I was having breakfast at the Breadboard the other day […]