The DECK is open and the FOOD is YUMMY and there’s a new ART GALLERY next door!
Yesterday was really interesting at the Breadboard. There was a group of six young boys, maybe 11 or 12, sitting on the deck and they all had T-shirts that said Atari Lives! Apparently they had been deeply affected by the new Wes Anderson movie, “The Isle of Dogs”, because they all were really fired up and going on and on about how the movie was a metaphor for overcoming evil and it unlocked the keys to self-actualization and because it so closely paralleled “The Matrix” (hm?) they really out to be organizing self-help seminars based on the “Atari/Samurai/We Can All Be Boy Heroes” theme and how this was a business begging to be started and they could all get really really rich… etc. And then one of the Atari Lives! group started quoting Socrates who said “how many things there are that I do not want” and a couple of the kids agreed saying that in Japan there are over 200 different flavors of Kit Kat Bars and that was ridiculous and then one of the kids said Socrates wasn’t talking about Kit Kat Bars, he was talking about materialism but then the other boy said there was a really cool new art gallery that just opened up next door to the Breadboard in the little log cabin and they could maybe organize an event there because the wife does world class glass art and the husband travels one week a month all around the country sourcing great art and maybe they could see if they could do some kind of joint promotion and maybe she could make a glass figure of the Atari boy samurai with a screw sticking out of his head but he was cut off because the Socrates kid that felt like “there are so many things he didn’t want” said that the one thing he really “wants” is a dog and the movie was more about love than heroism and they needed to set the goal of trying to see that every boy in America adopts a dog – that should be their mission statement – but then their food came and they each had a different dish and they started arguing about whose was the most awesome and the one with the Nutella Stuffed French Toast was the most convicted – obviously. And then a woman with a dog walked onto the deck (because that’s totally cool at the Breadboard) and she had on an Atari Lives! t-shirt and the energy jumped another notch and my Goodbean coffee was better not bitter, and the view of Grizzly Peak was stunning and my food arrived and I thought, maybe I should have ordered the Nutella Stuffed French Toast, but after one bite of my Breadboard Omelette I started chanting too. But I’m still puzzled as to how there could possibly be 200 flavors of Kit Kats and I thought I’d ponder this as I checked out the art next door…